Fadeless and Undying by Recollection I TMS 002.001.0009
Fadeless and Undying by Recollection II TMS 002.001.0010
Floating Form 1 TMS-PRINT-002
Former Memories TMS 002.004.0007
Future Shopping Center - Uvalde Road, Houston TMS 002.002.0003
Goat Head Mountain - Big Bend, TX I TMS 002.002.0004
Green Screen TMS 001.001.0013
Green Sheen TMS 001.001.0024
I Will Speak to It TMS 002.003.0004
In A Remote Time When Language Was Framed TMS 002.004.0004
In Obscurity TMS 001.019.0001
In The Remote Time When Language Was Framed TMS 002.003.0002
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